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Exercise in Song Abusive

What is your problem, you twit?
You can’t see the turning that I missed?
I may have got emotional but you’re no help—
And how dare you say I’m pissed?!

You’re spiteful and unkind,
And now I’ve got half a mind
To let everyone know just what you’re like!
Stuff your way up your behind!

Exercise in Song Parts of speech

Articles: the. a. an. this;
Verbs: show, go, be, want, have, roam, hear, sing;
Nouns: way, home, bed, drink, hour, head, matter, land,
sea, foam, song;
Adverbs: ago, right, always;

Conjunctions: and & or;
Adjectives: tired, little, no;
Prepositions: to, about, over; pro-
Nouns: me, I, it, my, where, you.

Exercise in Song Permutation by groups of 1, 2, 3 and 4 words

Me show way the go to I’m!
Home and tired want I go to bed to.
A little I had an hour drink about it’s gone
Ago and my head right to.

I roam over no matt-
Er where or foam land or sea,
Me singing this song you will always hear:
To go home show me the way!

Exercise in Song Reactionary

Just as I thought: I’m now lost,
And our public transport is a joke.
Our broken country’s almost driven me to drink—
But then they won’t let you smoke!

These young people today,
On our streets in disarray....
It’s the only language they understand:
Show them the way home, I say!

Exercise in Song Parachesis

Show Moe the way to go home:
He’s holding his dome because it’s sore.
You know, before, I saw him go and tope a mo,
And now sober Moe’s no more.

No knowing where he’d hove,
Over ocean, grove or cove,
So let’s stow Moe in his lowly abode:
Don’t let him yodel, by Jove!