Permutations by groups of 9, 10, 11 and 12 letters

This is part of the complete Exercises in Song cycle being released on this site.

"Permutations by groups of 9, 10, 11 and 12 letters " is a bonus exercise, not to be found in Raymond Queneau's original Exercices de Style nor in the translations.

To be sung to the tune of "Show Me The Way To Go Home". More information here.

Waytogoho showmethe me!
Diwanttog i’mtiredan otobed.
Edrinkabou ihadalittl tanhourago
Righttomyh andit’sgone ead.

Reiroam nomatterwhe,
Eaorfoam overlandors,
Shearmesingi youwillalway ngthissong:
Togohome showmetheway!