Partial success of NaNoWriMo 2011

Well, NaNoWriMo wasn't a total washout, as I had originally feared. Despite in no way hitting everyone else's target of 50,000 words, or even managing to land within the outer circle of 10,000 words (which was my own personal target) I've still composed... well, 3,000 words, or 30% of what I had hoped to achieve.

After an initially slow start, I was productive for perhaps a week or two, until my efforts were entirely derailed by over a week spent with my parents. As I don't get to see them that often, I didn't have the option of telling them to give their darling little author some peace and quiet while he composed his thing of beauty. It would have come across as snotty, I think.

"What do I care?" you're probably saying to yourself. "I just want to know when my goddamn Pocketful of Lies is going to appear this year." Well, I can only apologize, because: it almost certainly isn't going to be dropping through your letterboxes in this calendar year, although I hope to have something ready in the first half of 2012.

Please keep coming back for updates, though. If you're at all interested in my progress, I'll try to keep the world-wide internets posted through the medium of this blog. And if you'd like to pre-request a sample (depending on the format I end up with, I still hope to provide free copies on request), then do ask for a copy of 10x10x100 through the webform on the site.